Neck pain, also known as cervical spine pain, is a common pain complaint among adults. The various causes of neck pain are similar to those of back pain. The source of the pain may be from a direct injury, disc degeneration, or joint arthritis. The best care for neck pain starts with a proper diagnosis.

Neck pain that is persistent and does not improve after 12 weeks may require further examination. Conservative treatments such as non-opioid medications and physical therapy should always be tried first. If those treatments fail to relieve the symptoms after 12 weeks, a referral to pain management may be beneficial.

A spine specialist can help a patient uncover the root cause of the neck pain. Some neck pain develops slowly over a number of years. Nerve roots that are impinged by the spine may cause neck pain. Age-related deterioration of the spine may also be the source of the neck pain.

Treating neck pain successfully requires a complete understanding of the condition of the neck. Dr. Martinez will review your history and complete a physical exam of the painful areas and related areas. X-rays and MRIs are extremely helpful when seeing a pain management specialist regarding neck pain. A full evaluation will allow us to determine the cause of the neck pain and subsequently provide the best treatment options.